Inventors Spotlight TV:

A Platform Giving Innovators a Chance to Shine

Inventors Spotlight TV is a platform dedicated to showcasing inventors and entrepreneurs. Unlike traditional shopping networks that may have restrictive requirements like large inventory, this show invites individuals with great products, inventions, or ideas to participate if they qualify. Its mission is to ensure everyone has a chance to be featured and have a “seat at the table.”

What is Inventors Spotlight TV?

Inventors Spotlight TV is a digital shopping network designed to help inventors to showcase their brands and sell their products. Are you an inventor or product owner? Do you have a quality product with at least 200 units on hand and the ability to ship products to customers? Are you ambitious, excited and determined to tell your story and sell your brand? Join us on Inventors Spotlight TV!



Identification and Awareness

Step 1

ISTV discusses your brand and identifies whether or not your brand is a fit for going on air!


Every product has a story

Step 2

ISTV works with you to prepare you for an air date and discusses how to best display your product on our set!

Record Date

Show off your brand!

Step 3

Congratulations! You've made it to the point of discussing and recording your product on set!

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How does Lisa Ascolese Help Inventors?

Lisa helps inventors prototype, manufacture and market their products from concept to fruition. Lisa gets people on some of the top shopping networks in the world, QVC, HSN, and retail stores. Now she has her own TV Network ISTV.

Lisa is a no holds barred powerhouse black woman who believes everyone deserves a seat at the table. Lisa has faced monumental opportunities to walk through many doors, she has also experienced many obstacles, racism and closed doors intentionally and many Nopes!!!  She flipped “NOPE” to the positive. Necessary Optimism, Positivity & Enthusiasm is what it takes to succeed. Don’t let Nope tear you down!!!

That’s right NOPE, Lisa says’ she doesn’t take NOPE for an answer without getting inspired. Nope inspired her to build the show and run even faster to see to it that INVENTORS SPOTLIGHT TV IS A SUCCESSFUL space for inventors to showcase and sell what they worked so hard to build.

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Benefits of working with ISTV

What is Inventors Spotlight TV? Inventors Spotlight TV is a digital shopping network designed to help inventors to showcase their brands and sell their products. Are you an inventor or product owner? Do you have a quality product with at least 200 units on hand and the ability to ship products to customers? Are you ambitious, excited and determined to tell your story and sell your brand? Join us on Inventors Spotlight TV!

How does Inventors Spotlight TV work? Each segment is shot in the studio with “The Inventress” herself, Lisa Ascolese, alongside her incredible team of producers and directors. Every inventor is given 7- 10 minutes to tell their story and build their brand. The segments are aired weekly on various digital platforms including Inventors Spotlight Youtube Channel.

What sets Inventors Spotlight TV apart from any other television shopping network? It’s a musically inspired, all inclusive network for those who have a great product, inventory, a positive attitude, determination and enthusiasm. Everyone who brings those attributes gets a seat at the table that they deserve! Inventors Spotlight TV gives inventors a place to build their brand, and tell their story. Each segment will air several times so it has the potential to be seen numerous times by different demographics. Lisa believes that all inventors with great products deserve a seat at that table of opportunity and success!

Who is Lisa Ascolese? Lisa Ascolese is the CEO and founder of Inventors Spotlight TV. Lisa is a woman of great faith, mom, seasoned inventor, business owner and philanthropist. Lisa has many patents and trademarks, most importantly, she is on a mission to see her inventor entrepreneurs succeed.

Lisa is also the CEO and founder of Inventing A to Z where she helps inventors build their products from concept to fruition, the right way through prototyping, manufacturing and marketing. Lisa brings her clients to the top shopping networks in the world: QVC, HSN, retail stores and now, her own digital platform Inventors Spotlight TV!

Lisa is what many call a trailblazer, leader, a force, and a dream maker. She teaches others to understand the importance of standing shoulder to shoulder to push your peers to rise higher! Lisa says, “I want my peers to climb higher, but never forget to reach back down and lift others up.”

Lisa’s mission statement, “Lift Each Other Up Two Hands at a Time And Sometimes…You Have to Use Your Foot,” is recognized for inspiring, uplifting and guiding aspiring inventors and entrepreneurs during their inventing journey all the way to completion!

For more information, about how to get your product or inventions on Inventors Spotlight TV, please email us at

Let’s Make Your Dream A Reality!